Monday, February 9, 2009

About myself

1. I am stubborn, not only sometime, but always so stubborn. I can't say sorry even I know I am wrong. That's bad, but can't help it. 

2. I want to be strong all the time, at anytime, in any situation, with anyone, even with myself.  So I don't rely on anyone or ask for help even when I really need help. Contrariwise, I can't offer any help or say warm words when someone need help, because I don't know how. 

3. I don't listen to others. Even when I ask for it, I don't.  Sometime I do, but that's only when I REALLY need someone's opinion. Otherwise, always think everyone has different opinion, so go with my way. 

4. I want to try too many things, and I can't do anything after all.  

5. I am really good at any sports.  Without any practice, I can do it pretty well at most of sports. That makes me think that I don't need much practices for anything.  Because I can do it anyway. But the thing is, I can't be professional in any field, because I don't practice. 

6. I am smart.  Not joking but I love studying.  I don't read any story book but text book.  I don't like fiction at all. In my world, everything has to be based on the fact. 

7. I can't stay in one place or condition for long time. Work, never want to stay more than two years at same place, even it's really good and fun place, I need to move on and find something else. Except with Adam. He is the only person who I feel I can stay with for rest of my life.  

8. TV shows are different than books.  It's totally ok if it's fiction or not.  Doesn't matter.  In fact, I am The Office freak.  

9. I am so sensitive to smells.  I can't stop thinking when I smell something unusual. Also I am cleaning freak.  I can't sit down until house gets totally clean. 

10. I don't like kids and old people.  Because they don't understand what I am talking about and can't make conversations. 

11. I can't be satisfied with anything.  I don't think I will be satisfied even I have a million dollars in the future.  

12. It's impossible to change my mind if I started disliking someone.  

If I can correct these, I think I can be a better person.  But it's awfully hard for me to change the way I am.  I have been being myself for 27 years, how can it be possible to change so many things at this point? 
I thought it's good idea to list them up so it's obvious to know how do I think myself and what do I know about myself.  I am pretty sure there are tons more stuff I need to change but haven't realize yet, but I will work on what I can see right know. I will start from 1. and if I think I am doing well, go to next step. 
Please be patient with me, I will be better person soon. 









8、テレビは本と違う。なぜか知らないけど、フィクションでも見ようと思えば見れる。あまりはまらないけど、はまると一気に最後まで見る。The Officeに関してはオタク級。






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