Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nat's Cafe now open

Just wanted to let you know that I opened new Nat's Cafe.
I will be working at my new store from now.  Please stop by when you have time!

Monday, March 30, 2009

iPod Shuffle

I washed my old iPod Shuffle last night when I was doing laundry..
I also washed iPhone earphone. 

Earphone was totally torn and inside wire was coming out.  I threw it away. 
I was pretty sad because my earphone is gone.... It costs $30 if I want to get it at Apple Store. 
Oh, well. 

Then I realized there should be one more thing that I washed along with earphone.....Shuffle. Unfortunately I don't use them sepelately when I listen to the music. I dug into clean laundry pile and found my shuffle.  This is my second time that I washed shuffle in my life. But this time was MY shuffle... ( last time was Adam's brand new).  Adam plugged different earphone in and hit play, guess what, it worked.  Wow, that's unbelievable! Maybe because I put it in the dryer too.  Anyway, my shuffle is now so clean. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Last night, I was out shopping at the mall.  I was putting pants on and trying to figure out which one should I buy, which goes with my shirts, which color matches with most of clothes I have already, and you know, just trying to have fun. 
Then siren went off.  Actually I didn't know what was going on till I got off the room with my favorite pair of jeans in my hand that I was going to buy.  All store staff were waiting for me to come out from fitting room and store shatter was down to the floor. 
Chimney Christmas!

I was so embarrassed at the moment and even felt more idiot when one of the worker asked me if I wanted them to hold one for me....  No thanks! I am not that brave to say hey I have my pants here that I was going to buy when tornado siren went off.

I went to basement with everyone and stayed there for a while, and left 5 minutes later because I really wanted to go home.  It was rough drive though, in the storm, listening to the radio and found out that my house area is getting golf ball size hail.  Did I really want to go home? 

Soon after I got home and evacuated in the basment with two dogs who had no idea what was going on like someone who was in the fitting room just 20 minutes ago, storm stopped and Adam came home. 

First tornado for this year came way earlier than I expected. 





Sunday, March 22, 2009

Family time

I really should post more often but since I have two other web page to update it always comes to the very end to write something on this page. 

In February, my parents came to visit us from Japan. It was great to see them and we did so much fun together. Since Adam and I had to work almost everyday while they were staying, we couldn't leave Omaha so much but it made them relax and that was what they wanted.
They will come back with my sister's family in September and Yuuu will be here finally!

I was looking for a new job for a month and got an offer last week. I am kind of  sad to leave coffee shop but it's also nice to start something new. 
I will be working in the office all day from now, wow, what a chage.  I am so excited to start my new job at new company.

I just baked Cinnamon Bread while I was watching movie. I was my first time for this recipe but turned out pretty good.  I watched Penelope tonight.  The girl has pig nose.... kind of silly story. I don't need to watch it again.

Maybe I should keep this blog as simple as possible so that I don't feel like writing something here is one of my task or anything. 
Just ignore if I was talking something boring, which I always do. 




