Saturday, January 10, 2009


Happy New Year!  Wooo, it seems like I have been so lazy about posting here....  Oh well, I am doing right now at least, it could be worse.  How was your holiday? Mine was pretty good.  We had our Christmas with Adam's mom and step dad, Turk at our home.  We had nice family Christmas and had delicious ham dinner.  Against our agreement in our past conversation, mom and Turk brought too many presents for us, even for Roxy.  I felt shame that we didn't prepare anything for them other than just one present for each.... We also got some nice gifts from Adam's uncle family, my friends and my family in Japan.   

Our iPhone is pretty awesome!  I don't think I can use normal phone ever again after I got used to this all functions and apps in the phone.  Wow, I'm just so impressed that this small devise can do so many diffrent things.  I thought it's so expensive to spand $300 on the phone, but it's totally worth it.  

On 27th of December, we adopted a dog from Nebraska Dachshund Rescue.  Roxy is so excited to have brother who plays and stays with her all the time.  He is laid back dude, nothing like Roxy.  I can hear he says " Calm down, lady" to Roxy when she gets so excited about everything.  Everything is well with us and Burton(his name) so far, but I just found out that he has ear infection.  I took him to the vet yesterday because I couldn't put up with that smell comes out his ears.....  Sorry this is gross but it was aweful.  I need to bring him back to the vet tomorrow again to do deep cleaning in his ear and start medication.  Hope he gets well soon. 

Oh, we decided to go our honeymoon end of this month finally!  It's been 2 and half years since we got married and we've been waiting so long time.  But fainally, we get to go!  I am so excited and can't wait.  Since we both have job and can't get long vacation time, it will be only 5 days honeymoon, but I am totally happy with it!  To be honest, I almost gave up to go our honeymoon at this point.  So I can't explain how happy I am right now. 

This year will be so busy for us.  My best friend will come and stay with us for 2 months from April and our Japanese family will visit us sometim in spring.  And I am thinking to change my job if I can find good place.  

Hope all our friends and family have a great year!!

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